- 7 September 2022
- info@csrental.eu
- 0
Offering better service by monitoring rental machines
CSrental BV, in cooperation with the company Calculus, has equipped a number of its rental machines with remote monitoring equipment. This makes it possible to log in via Calculus’ Platform and remotely monitor the most necessary data.
Currently, we have chosen to equip our hot water boilers with this equipment so that we can offer customers even more service. These mobile boiler houses are often used for process heating, so this extra service is often not an unnecessary luxury. For example, it is possible to remotely read the water temperature of the mobile boilers. It is also possible to see how much fuel is left in the tank and whether the power supply is OK. Faults can be immediately forwarded to an e-mail address or by SMS to a mobile phone number. This way, one can react quickly to malfunctions and never lose control.
For adsorption dryers and heaters, air temperature and relative humidity can be monitored. Again, any malfunctions can be communicated to the customer by sending an SMS. By consulting the platform online, one can see if the power supply is OK and if there is enough fuel in the tank.
Unnecessary visits for a breakdown you cannot do anything about are thus prevented or you can send a breakdown technician in a much more targeted way.
The full progression is visualised by a clear graph, so you can show the customer what has happened. There is also an option to give the customer access to a customer portal, so they can manage settings and see graphs themselves.
This monitoring system is compatible with most of Thermobile’s diesel-fired stoves and these stoves can be connected to this platform.
Some of these kits are made mobile and can be easily built into a factory, so we can also monitor other people’s machines or business processes.
Interested in a demo or more information, please contact CSrental BV.
+31 161 – 493460 / info@csrental.nl